Sunday, December 26, 2010

What a disastrous weekend !

 The title says it all. A vicious thunder struck on Friday and disrupt my internet connection, as well as damage my other entertainment sources. As a result, I've had no internet the whole of yesterday and only bits of it today. Also, since my monitor, too, wasn't working, I had no chance to process the photos I took during Assunta's prom night. Worry not, they're all done after I scrambled to do them all this morning. I will upload them shortly on the blog and flickr !

Oh how did your Christmas day go?! I spent mine over at my cousin's, with the exceptional barbecue delights we had. I took some photos, not many, but I'll upload it when I can.

With the New Year fast approaching, I kept thinking of what it has in stored for me. Anyhow, let that happen on its own. I have decided how to end 2010. Self-portrait, anyone? Yes, I'm gonna do a self-portrait, any day now. Hopefully the photo will be done before new year. Hopefully, no more misery will strike from mother nature anytime soon !

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